Mommas Boys

Mommas Boys


Welcome to Life With a Double. It is a blog about a quirky fact most people would never know about me, that is I am an identical twin. It is something only around 10 million people in the world can truly say they have experienced. Here is a way to bring stories and adventures about the ups and downs of having a twin.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Moms always know!

Lately my twin and I have been trying to quiz my mom too see how well she knows her boys! So every time we call her at work she doesn't have caller id so we say hi mom... then directly after we say ok mom who is this... Believe it or not we did this to her randomly probably about 20 times and she went 20 for 20! I couldn't believe it! 1 word and she knew which boy she was talking to...My dad on the other hand still calls me Luke sometimes when he is looking right at me!

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What type of siblings do you have?