Mommas Boys

Mommas Boys


Welcome to Life With a Double. It is a blog about a quirky fact most people would never know about me, that is I am an identical twin. It is something only around 10 million people in the world can truly say they have experienced. Here is a way to bring stories and adventures about the ups and downs of having a twin.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Going to Scotland!

My identical twin just got chosen to go to Scotland for an independent research program for chemistry. This means I get to go to Scotland to visit him! Its awesome that when one of us gets something cool we get to share the experience with someone we care about. Congrats bro!


Ok, I was just looking at the blog and all the pictures I have of my brother and I and in almost every single picture I am on the rigght side of my brother and he on the left side of me. WOW! in any picture where we are standing up and can chooose where we stand I am on his right side! Even in baby pictures! Must be something we do without thinking.


This picture is exactly the same as a picture of when we were kids. We had an obsession of pretending we were conjoined twins and walked around with our arms overlapping and our legs tied together!

Mix up

A week ago I went over to waukesha to hang out with my twin. He left to go get some food so I was hanging out at his apt with his roommates. Unexpectedly, his girlfriend came over and she said hey honey to me! i figured I would go along with it and see how long it takes her to realize I am Kyle. It took her about 3 minutes to figure out I was Kyle! haha she blamed it on me having a hat on! Oh the fun of having a double!

Moms always know!

Lately my twin and I have been trying to quiz my mom too see how well she knows her boys! So every time we call her at work she doesn't have caller id so we say hi mom... then directly after we say ok mom who is this... Believe it or not we did this to her randomly probably about 20 times and she went 20 for 20! I couldn't believe it! 1 word and she knew which boy she was talking to...My dad on the other hand still calls me Luke sometimes when he is looking right at me!

Pros and Cons of a twin?!?

people get you mixed up
only one b-day party
sharing a lot of stuff
always compared to eachother
no individualism

having a best friend for life
never be bored
have double the clothes
trick people

Results of Twin and Adoption Studies updated

Over the years, a number of twin studies have been conducted. One twin study, known as the Minnesota twin study, examined a set of identical twins that were raised in separate environments. Although the twins did not meet until they were almost 40, they shared many similar characteristics. The only explanation for the similarities was that the twins' genes had strongly guided their development.

In fact, the Minnesota twin study led the researcher to conclude: "[On] multiple measures of personality and temperament, occupational and leisure-time interests and social attitudes, [identical] twins reared apart are about as similar as [identical] twins reared together."

Interestingly, adoption studies have also shown the strong influence of genes (or nature). For instance, the Texas Adoption Project found "little similarity between adopted children and their siblings and greater similarity between adopted children and their biological parents."

Nature vs Nurture

After doing some recent research I found that there a lot of studies done on identical twins and they are separated at birth when they go into an adoption agency. They then are reunited after years and years to compare their lives and any similarities and differences. This is outlawed since 1985 and twins must remain together so it is now illegal but personally I think that nature is more powerful then nurture. What are your thoughts?

Twins Separated at Birth

Follow this link for an interview on twins reunited! Really cool!

What are the Odds?

What are the chances? Odds are, if you're already a parent of multiples, you may find yourself marveling at your unusual family dynamics and think "Why did this happen to me? How did I get so lucky?" (or unlucky, depending on the moment!)

If you're not yet a parent of multiples, you may be wondering what it takes to become one. Are you a candidate for twins, triplets or more?

Among general populations, the chances of having twins in the 21st century are about 3 in 100, or about 3%. Your chances are better than ever; researchers have recorded an increase of nearly 60% since the early 1980s. The most recent statistics, part of a 2004 study by the National Center for Health Statistics show that twins represented 32.21 of every 1,000 births. Keep in mind this is merely twins, not identical twins.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Money, Money, Money

Those who are raising children know the importance of establishing a budget. Children are expensive – no one will deny this. In addition, the more children a couple have, the more money it takes to feed and clothe them. Couples who are expecting their first child may have arranged their expenses to accommodate a baby. However, couples who learn that they are expecting twins may experience of wave of panic. Two babies mean double of everything, which cancels out a seemingly perfect budget. I asked my mom what some the best advice she could give someone about how not to wast money when raising twins and she responded with a simple answer........

Avoid Buying Two of Everything!!!!

"Parents who have twins enjoy dressing the babies in matching clothes. Buying two of every outfit may quickly become a financial mistake. Instead of matching outfits, parents should allow the babies to share clothing." Thus, it will be as if they were shopping for only one baby. Additionally, parents should consider only purchasing one swing, playpen, bouncer, and let the babies alternate. Of course, babies will need their own car seat and crib.

So there it is... I never would have though of such a small thing as to save money on clothes!

Longing for a lost twin

My friend told me this about a girl both of us went to school with.

Apparently this girl really felt all her life that she'd love to have a twin. Most people who don't have a twin would think sometimes how great it would be to have a twin - but this girl had a real longing for a twin that went beyond the normal "gee it'd be nice to have a twin" kind of attitude.

One day she said to her mum, "You know, I've always really wanted a twin." And her mom told her that she actually had been a twin but her sister had died at birth! It just goes to show that twins really do have something powerful that connects them.

What type of siblings do you have?