Those who are raising children know the importance of establishing a budget. Children are expensive – no one will deny this. In addition, the more children a couple have, the more money it takes to feed and clothe them. Couples who are expecting their first child may have arranged their expenses to accommodate a baby. However, couples who learn that they are expecting twins may experience of wave of panic. Two babies mean double of everything, which cancels out a seemingly perfect budget. I asked my mom what some the best advice she could give someone about how not to wast money when raising twins and she responded with a simple answer........
Avoid Buying Two of Everything!!!!
"Parents who have twins enjoy dressing the babies in matching clothes. Buying two of every outfit may quickly become a financial mistake. Instead of matching outfits, parents should allow the babies to share clothing." Thus, it will be as if they were shopping for only one baby. Additionally, parents should consider only purchasing one swing, playpen, bouncer, and let the babies alternate. Of course, babies will need their own car seat and crib.
So there it is... I never would have though of such a small thing as to save money on clothes!